The truth about dark circles: 5 myths dispelled

The truth about dark circles: 5 myths dispelled

The skin under our eyes is 10 times thinner than the rest of the body, making it more susceptible to problems such as dark circles. This sensitive area naturally needs a lot of extra care and protection in order to stay healthy. But unfortunately, there are a lot of myths out there about the causes and effective treatment of dark circles. What should you believe and what should you stay away from? We help you get the facts straight in this article so that you can make an informed decision:

Clearing Up Dark Circle Myths for Brighter Skin

Myth: Dark circles can’t be treated

Fact: Just like there are various different causes of dark circles, there are several ways to treat them as well. Unless your dark circles are genetic or hereditary, you can treat them easily once you understand the underlying cause. And according to experts, a combination of clinically-proven cosmetic treatments coupled with lifestyle changes is the best way to go. For instance, our high-science formulas containing niacinamide, polypeptide*1, retinol, retinyl propionate, and bio saccharide gum have been proven to fix dullness around the eye area within a week and sequentially reduce dark circles.

Myth: More sleep can cure dark circles

Fact: Only if your dark circles are being caused by a sleep deficiency can they be cured by getting enough sleep. But lack of sleep is only one of the potential causes of dark circles. If they are caused by genetic factors, vitamin deficiencies, bad lifestyle habits such as smoking or drinking, ageing, or even too much sun exposure, they cannot be fixed by sleeping longer.

More sleep can cure dark circles

Myth: Ageing causes dark circles

Fact: Ageing is also only one of the potential causes of dark circles, which arise because of loss of volume and hydration in the under-eye skin area. However, more severe dark circles can be caused by hereditary conditions which affect the level of melanin and collagen production in the skin. Certain inborn allergies can cause undereye vessels to dilate and as a result, cause dark circles that are a lot more severe than the ones caused by ageing.

Myth Surgery is the only option to treat dark circles

Fact: Dark circles are caused by the loss of collagen and hydration and a simultaneous increase of pigmentation in the undereye area. And while surgery is an option for extreme cases, topical treatments and lifestyle changes can help tackle several cases. For instance, niacinamide has been clinically proven to reduce skin dullness and increase brightness by inhibiting the transfer of Melanosomes from Melanocytes to Keratinocytes, which leads to a reduction in pigmentation. At the same time, retinol and retinyl propionate can increase collagen production as well as inhibit the production of collagenase to reduce the loss of dermal collagen, thus thickening the skin.

Myth: Home remedies are effective in curing dark circles

Fact: If you’ve heard of home remedies such as cucumber slices and tea bags curing dark circles, think again. While these can give the illusion of minimising appearance for a short while, they cannot cure dark circles. To reduce their severity, you first need to understand the underlying cause and then choose the best treatment option. If ageing is the cause, for instance, then you need to use treatments that will help boost elasticity and collagen production, like polypeptide*1 and the retinol plus retinyl propionate combination which has been clinically proven to tighten skin and boost collagen production.


How to treat dark circles

How to treat dark circles?

Dark circles can have multiple causes and their treatment depends on the underlying cause but no matter what the cause is when it comes to using topical treatments, you should stick to clinically proven, high-science products that contain ingredients like niacinamide, retinol, retinyl propionate, polypeptide*1 and bio-saccharide gum to reduce their severity and appearance.

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