Effectively Reduce Acne in 3 Days with This Revolutionary Solution

Effectively Reduce Acne in 3 Days with This Revolutionary Solution

Skincare ingredients today are hyped and marketed to promote one specific ingredient to solve your skin concerns. You may generally resolve face acne, for instance, with suitable antimicrobial skincare ingredients like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. But do they actually give you those results without further compromising your skin? The answer is no. These skincare ingredients may damage your skin microbiome eventually.

You need smarter, clinically proven skincare technology that not only combats your acne but also preserves the vital skin microbiome. High-science solutions that can do more than address the specific concern have undergone rigorous testing in clinical setups, making them safe for usage.

How to Combat acne with the revolutionary thymol and terpineol technology

How to Combat acne with the revolutionary TT technology

Based on clinical research, the advanced thymol-terpineol (TT) technology has been formulated. Clinical trials have proven this combo's efficacy in reducing the menace that is acne from just the third day of usage. Thymol and terpineol together have an antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory action on the skin.

TT technology targets acne while maintaining the skin’s natural microbiome. Intensive clinical experiments and use have proven that when used for acne, this combo inhibits and destroys only the acne-causing bacteria (P. acnes) while preserving the good bacteria, which are essential for regulating our skin’s health. According to experts, it has even been found to be 2.5 times better than the extremely popular 2% salicylic acid.

What are the Limitations of Currently Popular Ingredients in Treating Acne ?

Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide has been used indiscriminately over the years for remedying acne. While it is a strong antibacterial agent, it cannot differentiate the good bacteria from the bad bacteria in your skin microbiome, thus doing more damage than good.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid, another popular skincare ingredient, reduces acne by essentially drying out the sebum on your skin. This is likely to destroy the healthy bacteria living in your sebum-producing glands. Thus, salicylic acid may eradicate your acne, but at the cost of a healthy skin microbiome.

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid, the most common alpha hydroxy acid used to treat acne, has been found to be troublesome for sensitive skin types due to its concentration. While clinical trials use a lower concentration for testing, you need a higher concentration for glycolic acid to permeate your skin’s barrier and be effective. However, this higher concentration is unsuitable for most people with sensitive skin, causing irritation and dryness.

Now that you know the undesirable effects of popular skincare ingredients on your skin microbiome, you can understand how these may not be worth the hype. Instead, what you should be seeking is a universal solution that works on all skin types, resolves face acne and body acne, and preserves your skin microbiome.

Key takeaway

The expert-backed high-science TT skincare technology helps banish acne while restoring and maintaining your skin’s homeostasis. The unique thymol and terpineol combination manage acne gently from the third day and, most importantly, reinstates the skin microbiome. Choose skin health, choose the advanced TT technology.

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