Recurring acne Fight it with high-science solutions

Recurring acne: Fight it with high-science solutions

Why does your acne keeps returning?

The reasons for recurring acne can be complicated because there are so many possible causes that can lead to it. But finding a solution for it doesn’t have to be endless and overwhelming. It begins by understanding your skin and then using clinically proven solutions to combat that very cause.

What are the Reasons for recurring acne

From environmental factors and poor diet to fluctuating hormones and disruptions in your skin’s microbiome, the reasons for recurring acne can be wide-ranging. Let’s look at the four most common ones:

Hormonal fluctuations: Primarily the fluctuations in reproductive hormones — testosterone and estrogen are responsible for hormonal acne. It can happen to both men and women, but women are at a higher risk due to disturbances in their menstrual cycle and pregnancy. This type of acne is almost always cystic and inflammatory in nature.


  • Poor diet and hygiene:  Too much junk and fatty food can disrupt your skin’s microbiome and cause recurring acne. Similarly, not maintaining skin hygiene can definitely result in the excess growth of the c. acne bacteria, causing you to break out. This type of acne can easily be combated with lifestyle changes.

  • Using the wrong skincare ingredients: Skincare ingredients that either block pores (comedogenic) or strip your skin of its natural oils such as salicylic acid, causing your microbiome to get disrupted, can result in severe acne, especially in the same spot. 

  • Medications: Certain medications, especially ones containing bromides and iodides, can cause acne-like eruptions. Supplements containing anti-ageing hormones have also been tied to acne flare-ups. Your physician or dermatologist can help you understand this better.
  • Genetic causes: A family history of acne, particularly adult-onset acne, can make you more prone to acne, which also tends to linger for longer. Such acne is also resistant to most skincare ingredients.

Ways to reduce recurring acne

Like there is no single cause for acne, there is no one-size-fits-all solution either. However, there are certain practices and lifestyle changes that can help you move a step closer to healthier, acne-free skin.

  • Using clinically proven skincare: Maintaining a healthy skin microbiome is essential for combating acne. Most acne-targeting skin care products don’t differentiate between the good and bad bacteria on your skin. They end up killing both, thus disrupting your skin’s microbiome, reducing its immunity, and probably worsening your acne once you discontinue the use. This is why sticking to expert-backed solutions such as thymol and terpineol can help you comprehensively treat acne. The TT technology helps destroy acne-causing bacteria while still maintaining and preserving the healthy microorganisms in your skin’s microbiome.
  • Address underlying hormonal issues: If your acne is being caused by hormonal disruptions or conditions such as PCOD, you will also need to consult a dermatologist, endocrinologist, and gynecologist to get proper treatment for the underlying disorder. Getting your hormones in balance will automatically help with reducing the frequency of breakouts.
  • Maintain proper hygiene: Ensure you’re reducing your acne-prone skin’s exposure to potential triggers such as too much dust and pollution, comedogenic substances, and any habits that flare your acne up. Keep your skin clean — use non-irritating, hypoallergenic cleansers and wash your clothes and sheets regularly so that they don’t become a breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria.
  • Maintain a healthy diet:Your skin’s microbiome is also sensitive to what you consume. You want to ensure that you are consuming a healthy balance of foods rich in protein, healthy fats, and vitamins. For instance, increased consumption of food rich in vitamin C has been linked to healthier skin by improving the skin’s pH and maintaining its microbiome well. That being said, diet can be extremely individualistic. It is a good idea to consult a dietician to rule out any allergic food items and consume more of what aids your health and your skin’s health.

Recurrent practices for recurring acne

While not all of the underlying conditions for recurring acne are easily treated, using clinically proven skincare solutions such as the TT technology, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can definitely help lessen its severity. The only caveat is that these need to be practiced consistently to achieve optimal results.

Acne Deep Clearing Cleanser

0.35% Thymol + Terpineol

650₹650 150g

Acne Deep Clearing Cleanser

0.35% Thymol + Terpineol

650 ₹650 150g

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