Triggers of acne

Lesser-Known Causes of Acne

5 surprising triggers of acne

Explore 10 unknown causes of acne 

Think of acne breakouts, and your mind will immediately jump to oily skin and clogged pores. This is a very common misconception. One may have oily skin but may only have to deal with a blemish or two rarely. Turns out, it is not oily skin that is a common trigger, but a myriad of other reasons for acne flare-ups. But, before exploring those causes, here is a little intel about acne and the various types you may encounter.

Typically, acne is classified into non-inflammatory and inflammatory acne. Blackheads and whiteheads come under non-inflammatory acne, whereas conditions like nodular acne and cystic acne are categorised as inflammatory acne. Just as acne could erupt in various forms, there could also be several reasons why it is triggered.

Five reasons you didn't know cause acne 

Wrong skincare

Skincare formulations can rarely cause acne, but the wrong ones may create an environment that gives birth to acne. For example, if you use oily or thick lotions on your skin, you are likely to experience clogged pores. Clogged pores accumulate dirt and bacteria, which leads to skin inflammation and acne. You must use non-comedogenic skincare that is clinically proven not to clog pores.

Using cosmetics that react with air or pollution will lead to clogged pores and comedones, increasing the chances of acne. Another reason you may experience acne is dirty face tools. These tools transfer bacteria to your skin and lead to inflammatory acne. 

The best way to avoid it is to be mindful of the products and skincare you use. Research the possible side effects of added ingredients like mineral oil, alcohol, essential oils, and synthetic fragrances. Use a science-backed and clinically proven solution that works on the root causes without compromising your skin’s microbiome. 

UV reflection in skin

Environmental stressors

Excess exposure to sun rays causes sweaty skin and excess sebum production. It further leads to blemishes. The dead skin cells get trapped in the pores, and thus, the sebum cannot drain out from the pores, resulting in comedones. 

The best solution to prevent acne due to UV rays is adequate sun protection. You must use SPF regularly and cover your skin whenever out in the sun.Exposure to pollution causes oxidative damage to your skin, leading to inflammation and acne. Another reason you might experience blackheads is micro dust particles in the polluted air, which clog pores. This might lead to bacterial accumulation and cystic acne. Damage caused by pollution can be minimised by following hygiene practices and formulations that are clinically proven to solve acne.

Genetic factors

Your genes determine your ability to resist acne-causing bacteria. You may also have the same condition if you have a family history of hormonal acne or inflammatory skin conditions. If both your parents had acne, then there are high chances you may experience acne issues.

Although you can do nothing about genetics, some lifestyle changes can help you prevent it. For example, following a hygiene routine, using skincare backed by high science, and efficient sun protection. In simple words, you have to restrict and reduce the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

Hormonal conditions 

Imbalances can lead to excess sebum production, follicular hyperkeratinisation, and inflammation. All these factors are acne triggers. Therefore, people who face hormonal fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause are more likely to experience hormonal acne. Some people with hormonal fluctuations may also experience acne as a symptom of underlying conditions such as PCOS.

Lifestyle factors

Dirty or tight clothes can transfer bacteria which leads to acne. Therefore, ensure your towels, pillows, bedsheets, and clothes are always clean. Tight-fitting clothes can trigger acne. They do not allow the skin to breathe and trap sweat and dirt, resulting in skin inflammation and acne. Avoid tight clothes; instead, opt for loose clothes and breathable fabrics.

Stress increases cortisol levels, a hormone that regulates sebum production. When cortisol levels rise, it leads to excess sebum and clogged pores. In the case of stress, it gives rise to inflamed acne, which is different from hormonal acne. Fortunately, this can be controlled with the proper acne treatment.

Although your eating habits do not cause acne, they can certainly trigger the condition. Certain foods promote inflammation in the body, which leads to acne. For example, sugar and dairy products can interfere with hormonal imbalance, causing acne. Also, nutritional deficiency affects your immune system, making it incapable of fighting the acne-causing bacteria. Therefore, you need to be mindful of your eating habits if you have acne-prone skin.

Acne troubles

TT technology: A single solution to manage all acne breakouts

While the reasons for triggering acne differ between individuals, the good news is that they can all be resolved. The best approach to dealing with acne is to manage the root cause of the problem, i.e. the acne-causing bacteria: P. acne (Propionibacterium acnes).

An appropriate safe solution that targets the root cause is born out of high science. A technology blend combining thymol and terpineol, which inhibits the acne-causing bacteria’s growth. TT technology is a scientific formulation clinically proven to reduce acne from day 3. This advanced technology identifies, targets, and destroys acne-causing bacteria only. The high-science technology does not kill the good bacteria and maintains the skin barrier. The TT technology contains antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory ingredients backed by experts to show visible results and has been clinically proven to reduce acne in as few as 7 days and minimise acne scarring in just 2 weeks. 

A scientific technology that addresses the underlying cause of acne is the perfect solution your skin requires to be healthy. While you must consult a skincare expert for the proper guidance regarding your acne, understanding and identifying the lifestyle triggers behind your acne can also go a long way. 

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